October 22, 2018

Dear Campus School Families,

As you know, we are in year two of our strategic plan and have much significant and important work lined up this year. The following is a summary of this work. I will provide a “report card” of progress made toward these goals at the end of the school year and will also provide regular updates at PTO meetings. We continue to be fully engaged in work that makes the Campus School even better and builds on achievements of the past.


Teaching and Learning:

Signature programs connecting the college to the Campus School

In September 2018 the Director of Curriculum Design and Innovation will work with the Head of School, Faculty Director, and faculty to create the first of what will be multiple signature programs that connect the learning resources of the college to the Campus School’s academic program. The initial recommendations for this program will be made by March 2019 and launched in September 2019.

Teacher evaluation and professional growth

In September 2018 the Head of School will convene a task force of faculty and staff, with guidance from the college’s human resources department, to refine the systems for teacher evaluation and professional growth. This new system will go into effect during the 2019-2020 school year.

Further define the role of teachers as lab school practitioners

In January 2019 the Head of School will work with the Faculty Director, with input from the education department and Campus School faculty, to better define the role of lab school teachers, especially as it relates to mentoring, research, and professional development and the time and resource implications of these roles. This work will conclude with recommendations in June 2019.

Enhance Campus School’s professional identity

*In the fall of 2018 the school will become members of the National Association of Independent Schools and the Association of Independent Schools of New England.

*Beginning in the 2018 school year, the school will prioritize professional development opportunities that bring teachers to regional and national conferences and workshops.



Productive and inclusive PTO

By December 2018 the Head of School will oversee a process that completes the draft of the PTO’s operating principles, which will clearly define the PTO’s purpose, leadership structure, and means of ensuring broad and inclusive participation of parents.

New diversity programs

By June 2019 the school’s diversity committee, working with the faculty and PTO, will create a series of speakers, meetings, and programs that further the school’s commitment to diversity and inclusion and provide essential training for the adults of our community. These events will happen on an annual basis and eventually be folded into the operations of the PTO.

Review and optimize orientation and support for new families

By December 2018 the Director of Admission will strengthen the systems and protocols for new family orientation and support.



Develop a plan for long term financial sustainability

In the fall of 2018 the Associate Vice President for Finance, working closely with the Head of School, will develop a long range fiscal plan that makes the Campus School fiscally sustainable in the short and long term. This work will articulate specific and necessary financial milestones and be regularly reviewed by the college’s oversight committee.

Identify and recommend the best use of administrative technology

In September 2018 the Assistant Head of School will work with the college’s IT department to assess the Campus School’s use of administrative software and tools. Recommendations for enhancements will be made by January 2019.


