Greetings from the Campus (Day) School, We love talking with Campus School Alumni about their K-6 experience here. They tell us it set them up to stay curious, to know and value themselves, to practice compassion, and to innovate and engage in the world. They often say their time with us remains both relevant and foundational. Campus School Alumni pay this important educational experience forward by sharing their time and talents to support and strengthen their communities Through their actions, the impact of being known, valued, challenged, and nurtured extends beyond our school, out into the world. As we always have, the Campus School impacts the lives of our current students by giving them an educational foundation on which to build the rest of their lives. Help us continue this critical work and to expand our reach through a donation to our Financial Aid Fund. Help us change the world, one student at a time. A school the world needs - 98 years of training teachers As the Lab School of Smith College, we advance the common good by training and mentoring the next generation of teachers. In this way, our influence extends far beyond our own classrooms. Our country needs more exceptional teachers like those at the Campus School. Help us continue the important work of training and mentoring the next generation of extraordinary teachers. We’ve trained more than 1,000 teachers over the last 98 years. As these new teachers disperse to schools across the country, they carry with them the high standards and innovative approaches they developed at the Campus School, to the benefit of all their subsequent students. More than 90% of teachers trained by Campus School faculty take positions in public schools. The impact of their work is an incalculable good. How many students did they inspire? How many colleagues did they mentor? What did their students build on the foundation they provided? Education is at its heart a hopeful endeavor. A gift to the Campus School ensures that you’re making a difference, one student, and student teacher, at a time. Your gift will ripple into the world in ways large and small for decades. Please make a gift to the Campus School today. Thank you in advance for your support of the Campus School! With gratitude, Jon Deveaux Head of School