January 15, 2018

Dear Campus School Families,

Our newly revised mission statement, which you received earlier this week,
contains a bedrock assumption. We say that students flourish at the Campus
School because they are known, valued, challenged, and nurtured. Everything
good that happens in our school springs from this belief.

This is a school where children are known by their teachers - truly and deeply

This is a school where children are valued, where their intrinsic worth and
dignity is affirmed and upheld.

This is a school where children are challenged because high expectations are
things that students stretch toward.

And this is a school where children are nurtured, where they are cared for and
tended, where their emotional lives have meaning and relevance.

The good thing about a mission statement is that it acts as a north star, a
rallying point, a clarion call. This seems especially important at this moment in
the Campus School's history, when we are on the verge of launching an
ambitious new strategic plan and collectively building an even better school
experience for our students. Clarity of direction certainly makes the journey
easier and more fruitful, and this clarity is what our revised mission provides.
