Dear Campus School Families,
There is a certain point in the late afternoon, with snow on the ground and dusk approaching, when the light can take on a dark blue hue. It is a beautiful color and looks very much like this:

This moment is powerful because it is both fleeting and profound – the world looks enchanted and charmed, mysterious and inviting. This passage between light and dark offers a new perspective, one that reflects the transitory nature of life while affirming the beauty that surrounds us.
As we enter the time of year when the days finally begin to grow longer, I hope you and your children find the joy and light that live in small moments like these, which are all around us just waiting to be discovered. And oftentimes children, so attuned and receptive to the natural world, notice these moments before adults do. Allowing ourselves to see the world through the eyes of children is one of the great gifts of being a parent, and I hope the new year affords you this opportunity – to slow down and notice, with your children, the beauty, joy, and light of the winter season and the promises inherent in fresh starts.