September 10, 2018

Dear Campus School Families,

It has been a very good start to the school year - lots of smiling faces and stories to share about summer vacation. It always strikes me how quickly children acclimate themselves to the routines of school. In fact, while I know children love the freedoms of summer they also crave the regularities of school, which gives them a base that is both secure and exciting; this is a very good place for them to dwell.

So, we are off! Another important year of learning and growth awaits students, teachers, and parents. We are all members of a learning community, one that assumes that learning is never static, that we are all in the process of growing and developing, that new adventures of mind and heart await us. Let’s commit to taking this journey together, supporting each other - and of course our students - to fully engage in the joys of learning and community.


